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All of us have Taurus instinct. Taurus is the instinct for self preservation, to survive and thrive. Senses Your senses guide you to how to survive. For example: the bread is stale. Your smell guides you not to eat the bread. Similarly, at work, you feel stagnation when you are not growing. What nourish you? What nourishing you? What food, clothes, work, people, environment nourish you? What drains you? Needs, Values Like the plant that needs water, sunlight, air, soil, what do you need to thrive? Physically, emotionally and spiritually? What do you really need? What is most important to you? How do you want to spend your money, time and energy? Inner resources Remember the last time you were in love? You felt increased energy from within. Where does the energy come from? It is from within you. What excites you? What makes you feel alive? When you are excited and passionate, you generate energy from within. This is your inner resources that sustains you. Reflection: What are you passionate about? Remember the last time you were researching a topic that you were passionate about? You uncover new knowledge because of your passion. What feel lifeless, stagnated and bored? What have you outgrown? What are you hiding? What are you hiding for self preservation and survival? For fear of being prosecuted or shamed because it is a taboo? What are you denying in yourself because you fear rejection? What sparks joy in you? Taurus is your instinct to preserve life in you. What makes you come alive? 1) What is Aries? 2) Why is Aries important? 3) How does it support your growth & transformation? 4) What are some examples of Aries? 5) What are the Emotional Dynamics of Aries? 6) Where is Aries/ Mars in your birth chart? Questions for Reflection. 7) Example of a Chart Exploration -----------------------
Aries is your instinct to act. To take a new action. To act spontaneously. In the moment. You act instinctively without thinking in advance. It is a readiness to move into a new uncharted territory. For the first time. To experience something new. ------------------------ 2) Why is Aries important? It is through new experiences that you grow. It is through taking new action, you discover more of yourself. Aries is how you are recreating a new you. ------------------------- 3) How does Aries support your growth and transformation? Aries in your birth chart shows you: What is new and challenging for you? What is out of your comfort zone? This is where you are confronting fears To step into something new. ------------------------ 4) What are some examples of Aries? An old cycle is ending (Pisces). Aries is the new beginning. Example: You decide to leave a 20 year career for the first time, Not knowing what to do next. A new direction is calling to you. Wearing heels for the first time. Going on stage for the first time. Baking a new recipe. Starting a new business. Saying ‘’no’’ for the first time. Opening up emotionally for the first time. ---------------------------------- 5) What are the emotional dynamics of Aries? Your desire will draw you to something or someone (Opposite: Libra) So that you can learn and discover more of yourself (Aries). A) Aries is self focused - Me first You need total freedom and independence! Ready to take up space Ready to take up the next new challenge To blaze your own trail. Like a baby Learning to walk for the first time. You feel vulnerable and insecure. B) Excitement Aries needs courage to step into unknown. ‘Just do it’ despite not knowing how. Adopt an attitude of ''experimenting'' and ‘’exploring’’ Staying open and curious will support you in your new beginnings Aries. There is no pressure to do it perfectly right the first time. Let's test it out! See what works and what does not work... C) Ready to take up space Aries is action. Aries is your life force Repressing your desire and action leads to frustration and anger. Where are you repressing yourself? What are you holding back due to fears? D) Fear and insecurity My Aries: The first time I had to perform, I felt embarrassed, not feeling up to it. What would others think? How do I look? Fear of being judged. I was hoping to stand at the back so that I can be blocked by dancers in-front so that I am not being seen... That makes me feel more shielded, hidden and safe... (Cancer/ Capricorn). Reflection: What are you hiding? Where are you asked to be vulnerable? E) Dynamics with the other person (Libra) Aries needs to seek out the other people and environment that encourage and support you. When you change, you outgrow old relationships. This leads to feelings of loss as if the whole world has fallen apart. The inability to let go of old bonds can hold you back from the new that is calling to you. Reflection: What can you do to seek out people who can inspire you and have done what you desire? F) Forward Momentum: One small step at a time. Affirmation for Aries: What is my next one step? Show me the way. I am ready. ------------------------------ 6) Where is Aries/ Mars in your birth chart? Questions for reflection: If your Aries/ Mars is in the following houses in your birth chart: 1st House - What is new that is calling to you? 2nd House - How can you take care of your own needs first? 3rd House - How can you speak up more boldly? 4th House - Where do you need to step out of the comfort zone of your home environment? 5th House - Where can you take up more space to express your unique style? 6th House - How can you step into more power, through daily practice? 7th House - What are you learning about yourself through conflicts in relationships? 8th House - When do you feel a need to question others? What makes you feel threatened? 9th House - What more can you explore? 10th House - How can you take charge to lead? 11th House - What has changed quickly for you? that you did not have enough time to process the change? 12th House - What is ending for you? What is your next one step? ------------------------------ 7) Example of Chart: Pluto & Mars: What is your Soul’s desire (Pluto)? How are you taking action (Aries)? Example of Pluto & Aries: I desire to learn dancing. Desire is Pluto. Taking action to book the class is Aries. A desire (Pluto) leads into new action (Aries). Lets explore a chart example: Where is your Pluto in your birth chart? Where is Mars in your chart? In this chart, Pluto is in 5th House. What is your desire?
Your desire is to self actualize through creative authentic expression. Where is your Aries/ Mars? How are you taking action towards your Soul’s desire? In above chart, Mars in 11th House. What is challenging for you? What are your fears? To break free from family expectations & social norms (11th House) in order to go your own way (Mars) is challenging for you. What beliefs and norms are suppressing your naturalness and unique identity? Which groups/ communities makes you feel safe to express your uniqueness? Where can you find your Soul tribe? From Evolutionary perspective, your birth chart supports you to understand your Soul's Desire (Pluto) and ''how'' (Aries) you are taking new action to move forward? Where do you need to take up more space in your life? |
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